Creativity In Crisis Logo

AfP works to raise the bar for peacebuilding practice by setting minimal standards for peacebuilding DM&E across the field. We build on existing efforts to validate these standards and work towards adopting and integrating them across the field through capacity building initiatives.

AfP’s #CreativityInCrisis video series highlights innovative, local, and practical solutions to global DM&E challenges. This series allows AfP to spotlight creative research methodologies, novel solutions to complex problems; while at the same time amplifying voices from the frontlines and creating a culture of shared learning. 

To learn more about the #CreativityInCrisis video series please reach out to Dr. Emily Sample.

L&E Latest Research


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Share your #Evidence4Peace with the broader peacebuilding field with the hashtag and tag @AfPeacebuilding to raise awareness of peacebuilding MEL and highlight prominent voices and topics.

Connect with AfP’s #Evidence4Peace campaign on various social media platforms for events, opportunities, and publications related to peacebuilding MEL.